How often does my child have art class?
Every other day for 75 minutes. Most students will attend art class 2 to 3 times a week for 18 weeks,
Where does the money come from to buy art supplies?
The school provides the vast majority of the art supplies, however students are required to bring a pencil to class everyday. They are also encouraged to bring a sketchbook and their own set of colored pencils and markers.
Is there ever homework or makeup work when my child has been absent?
There is rarely homework for art class, however I encourage students to draw in their sketchbooks, complete art journal pages, brainstorm ideas for art projects and to try the art activities on the website. Any artwork students create outside of the artroom can be displayed on a special class bulletin board.
Students are always able to come to the artroom during lunch to work on art projects they need to complete or may have missed due to an absence.
Do you ever need volunteer parents in art?
Yes, please email me at if you are interested in volunteering in the art room. Volunteers are required to have background checks with the Board of Education in Upper Marlboro.
What if my child isn't very artistic?
Art is an elective class for middle school students. Students should have an interest in art when selecting this class. Everyone is an artist and there is no right way to create. You don’t have to be able to draw to take art. Even students who don’t think they are good at art will have an opportunity to explore a variety of art media, practice creative thinking, and utilize visual problem solving skills.
My child is very artistic. What should I do for him or her?
For the very artistic child, a one semester art course may not be enough. Some children will need to have extra art materials at home and a place to be creative. You may want to consider enrolling them in art classes outside of school at a community center or local museum.
Why doesn't my child ever seem to bring home art projects?
Our students produce lots of artwork which I like to display throughout the halls of our school. Each month I will hang dozens of artworks created by our students. This gives them recognition among their peers and teachers and instills a great sense of pride for the students accomplishments. It also is a great way to enhance the visual appeal of the hallways in the school. Some students prefer to take their artwork home, rather than have it hang in the school. All artwork is returned to the students at the end of the semester, however some students choose not to take it home or unfortunately lose it in their lockers or throw it away.
Where do you get the ideas for the projects you do in art class?
I follow the state of Maryland Visual Art Standards and the Prince George’s County Public Schools Middle School Art Curriculum when developing art projects. I also use the “Exploring Art” Textbook provided by PGCPS and I try to integrate art across the school’s curriculum by developing projects in collaboration with the Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Technology and Health teachers. In addition, I attend the National Association of Art Educators annual convention for project ideas and I utilize the educational resources of major museums, particularly those in the Washington, DC area.
What about grades?
I use a 50 point rubric to grade every art project a student creates and I record it on School Max. Some projects take longer than others and may last for more than 1 or 2 weeks. On average, students typically complete approximately 6 to 8 art projects per quarter. Students are also graded on their work habits each week. They can earn up to 10 points per week for work habits which includes: class participation, effort, use of materials and overall behavior in class. Students also receive grades for written assignments/worksheets completed in class. There will also be 1 major research or digital art project at the end the semester worth 100 points.
What about the Grading Criteria?
The PGCPS Art Department Grading Criteria for the Visual Arts courses are determined in the following manner:
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Example of An Art project Rubric |
What about the Grading Criteria?
The PGCPS Art Department Grading Criteria for the Visual Arts courses are determined in the following manner:
50% Classroom/Group Participation
Portfolio Presentation
Studio Projects
- Concepts/objectives have been met
- Completion of project
- Creativity, originality
- Proper craftsmanship
- Developing manual and technical skills
- Developing perceptual skills
Class Participation
- Daily work habits
- Care of supplies and equipment
- Time on task
- Group interaction
- Studio interaction
- Studio activities participation
- Attendance and promptness
- Preparation for class (materials)
- Cooperation
30% Test, Quizzes, Individual Assessments
- Sketchbooks
- Journal
- Homework
- Notebooks
- Research
- Self-evaluations
- Exams
- Written critiques
- Oral presentations
20% Written Components
- Class critiques
- Warm-ups
- Vocabulary
- Notebooks
- Written critiques
- Class critiques
- Observation checklist
- Research